Planning a trip means planning to go far from the reality you have created for yourself. Whenever you plan for a trip in excitement, never ignore the uncertainty of events that could occur. Acknowledging this uncertainty, many people purchase trip cancellation insurance to ensure if you have to cancel the trip due to any reasons or unforeseeable circumstances, you must get a fair share of your invested money.
Suppose, due to your broken leg, you have to cancel the trip a day before, and you try to use your trip cancellation insurance, but you are unable to use it. You are not getting any reimbursement for applying for the insurance. But why? Well, we ignore some facts while buying or during the process of using the Trip Cancellation Insurance, which might not allow you to avail of the facilities provided to you in the insurance.
These are four conditions when you cannot use your trip cancellation insurance.
1. Providing Insufficient Documentation for Your Trip Cancellation Reasons and Expenses
Suppose you had to board the flight a couple of days after, and you are too excited about that, but today you broke your ankle, and now you wouldn’t be able to travel. You decide to use your trip cancellation insurance by providing them with a couple of documents you think are essential and required to avail of trip cancellation insurance. When you get up to check the status of your trip cancellation application, you find out that your application has been denied because of insufficient submission of documentation.
Providing only a few documents will not be enough to use the trip cancellation insurance. You need to provide every single document giving the details about expenses or reasons for your trip. You’ll find in the details provided by the insurance provider about what documents you need to deliver.
2. Not Providing Valid Proof from a Doctor
When you have to go on a trip a couple of days later, but today you or your companion fall sick, you can apply for trip cancellation insurance. In this criterion, you have to provide a valid proof like a prescription from the doctor saying it’s not healthy for you to travel. If you do not visit a doctor before applying for trip cancellation, your application for trip cancellation will be denied.
3. Announcement of Big Storm
You plan things for yourself, but you have no control over the unforeseeable events or natural calamities.
When you planned a trip months ago, but when it’s time to leave for the trip, you see an announcement on television about the big storm heading toward the island. This is the time when you apply for Trip Cancellation Insurance, but your application gets denied. Then you realize that your travel insurance company does not cover you for natural calamities.
4. Ignorant in Reading Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of travel insurance cover a good amount of space in the insurance documents. People sometimes begin to read the details but lose interest in the middle. You get to know all the details like what is included and excluded from the insurance. If you miss anything, it might cost you a great deal. Therefore, it is advised to read the terms and conditions of these essential documents thoroughly.
Travel cancellation insurance is vital for every traveler to purchase, but one should know how to avail of the insurance facilities. Looking at these things, you sometimes get confused about your decision and start giving a thought to buy travel cancellation insurance to get the best benefits. The best travel insurance provider to look for the best facilities is Travel Insurance Master. They are providing the best services to their customers for a decade and are growing day by day.